The Balkans
The people who reside in the nations that make up the Balkans regions come from [...] -
Nature, Wildlife and Natural Resources
As its name, which means ‘A string of forested mountains’ in Turkish, suggests the Balkans [...] -
The nation of Montenegro is one of the smallest on the Balkan Peninsula, covering just [...] - More from The Balkans
Massive Mammoth on Display in Serbia
While the Balkans nations have long been described as a place where life first emerged [...] -
US Pledges Support to Balkan Nations
Things have begun to look up even more than in recent years for nations in [...] -
Croatia Working with Canada in Economic Alliance
According to recent announcements made to the press by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and [...] - More from News
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Italy to Support Serbia in EU Status
During a recent visit to the Serbian capitol city of Belgrade, the preisdent of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Gianfranco Fini, stated to the local press reporters that Italy will be the first country to ratify the European Union’s Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) that has been extended to Serbia. The press release statement from [...]
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Formerly a part of the nation known as Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Herzegovina is the official name of a country which is composed of three main cultures, including Bosniaks, Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Serbs. The nation itself is almost entirely inland, with only a short border along the coast of the Adriatic Sea. The countries it [...]
Officially known as the Republic of Bulgaria, this is the 3rd largest country in the Balkan region and shares borders with the nations of Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, along with the Black Sea, and finally, Romania to the north. In all, Bulgaria covers 42,823 square miles and [...]
Croatia, formally known as The Republic of Croatia, is a country located near the Adriatic Sea, the Balkan Mountain range and the Pannonian plain. To the east of Croatia lies Montenegro and Serbia, to the north Hungary and Slovenia and along its southeastern border lies Herzegovina and Bosnia. The country is 21,851 square miles in [...]
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